Desired Outcome:
Skill Development (Hard skills + Soft Skills)
Key Opportunities:
- Reveal implicit/tacit knowledge (surface knowledge and processes that are stored in the minds of experts, which are not explicitly expressed)
- Encourage growth and self-determination
Intentional Movement from Observation > Practice > Performance (toward Expertise)
Process (for Learner):
- Observe Expert (where expert reveals insider info)
- Perform Skills with Support (from expert or other resources)
- Perform Skills Independently (unassisted)
- Self-evaluate and reflect (on-going, throughout)
- Set goals and pursue them (on-going, throughout)
Key Components:
- Cognitive Apprenticeship* on the Team
- Make knowledge explicit/record/write down team standards: time use and management, tools, culture, language, decision-making, processes, attitudes and goals
- Make self-eval and coach review regular part of training
- New hire participates in goal-setting
- Shadowing Opportunities (supportive observation of the new hire)
- Mock/Live Audio Calls
- Mock/Live Video Calls
- Mock Chats and Case Audits
- Email Correspondence
- In-person presentations
- Formal Coaching Follow-up after Training Courses – debrief, give context, answer questions, provide clarification, and suggest additional resources (people, tools, or documents)
- Reflection/Discussion (encourage new hire to re-organize new knowledge and experiences to make learning personally meaningful)
- Impromptu, as needed
- Scheduled: use standard reflection or self-eval questions as a guide, following specified learning events or at regular intervals? (teaching self-eval, continuous improvement)
- Self-determination – highlight opportunities to intentionally encourage **
- Autonomy – by giving choice, allowing them to take action, determine direction
- Competence – by providing structure/guidance that fades to independence, providing timely feedback
- Relatedness – by fostering a sense of belonging and connection
- On-going evaluation
- Reflective self-eval + Structured eval (for both Coach and New Hire)
- Informal feedback
- Continuous improvement (responses to feedback tracked/improvements made as a result of feedback),
- Shared feedback (Services Operations wants to be in this feedback pipeline)
So, what do you think?